Usually, your parents would need to transfer the car to you to get it insured in your name. Insurance companies often require you to own the car for coverage. You could call your insurer and see what options they offer.
Also, to be added to your parents’ policy, you’d usually have to live with them. I noticed you mentioned you ‘live on their property’… Does that mean your address is the same as your parents?
Since they own the car, they’d still need to be on the policy unless they transfer ownership to you. You can technically buy a policy, but if you’re not the owner, you might not be able to make a claim if anything happens.
They would need to list themselves on the policy, or you could look into other options.
In that case, they should add you to their policy. You can pay any extra costs. Without owning the car, it’s tough to get separate insurance, and they can’t transfer it with an outstanding loan.
They could look into a separate policy just for this car, but since they’re legally responsible, they might want to keep higher coverage limits for protection.